a needy family造句

"a needy family"是什么意思   


  1. Truck for a needy family
  2. Car for a needy family
  3. After leaving these towns , the brother who was driving for the team inadvertently turned into an area that had been unaffected by the flood ; however , it must have been master s arrangement because the place was incredibly poor and the relief team discovered a sad situation - a needy family with eight children who had lost their father six weeks earlier and whom their unemployed mother was struggling to raise
    在离开上述两个城镇的途中,彷佛是师父冥冥中的安排,我们来到一处未遭洪水肆虐但是却极度穷困的地区,发现其中一户家庭景况十分凄凉: 8个嗷嗷待哺的孩子在6星期前刚失去父亲,他们的母亲没有工作,却得张罗一家的生计。
  4. It's difficult to find a needy family in a sentence. 用a needy family造句挺难的


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